The Center for Vocational Training meets all regulatory requirements and maintains accreditation standards.
The first national level recognition was obtained in 2012 for “Hospitality Profession” Diploma Level 5, officially recognized by the “Ministry of Hotels and Tourism” (MoHT), jointly endorsed by the “Myanmar Tourism Federation” (MTF). As a member of “Myanmar Tourism HRD Association,” a sister association under MTF, the school holds strong recognition within the industry.
During 2014 to 2018, the school established eight “National Level Skills Assessment Centers” in the areas of Carpentry, Electrical Work, Welding, Machining, Waiting Staff, Housekeeping, Cashiering, and Sales by the “National Skills Standard Authority (NSSA)”. CVT teachers are certified as “NSSA Assessors & Trainers.” These certificates are officially recognized nationwide in Myanmar.
Since 2016, the school has been officially recognized as competency based “Skills Training Center” by the Ministry of Labour as part of Myanmar’s Employment and Skills Development Law (ESD).
In 2019, the school has been certified as a “Training and Test Center” for the “International Computer Digital Literacy” (ICDL) certification, an international digital skills standard recognized and operated in 192 countries.
In 2020, The CVT “Business Administrator” training course is officially recognized by the “Thun Business School” of Switzerland.

Recognition by Ministry of Labour

National Skill Standard Authority (Electrician Building Level 2)

National Skill Standard Authority (Cabinet Maker Level 1)

National Skill Standard Authority (Cabinet Maker Level 2)

National Skill Standard Authority (Metal Arc Welder Level 1)

National Skill Standard Authority (Metal Arc Welding Level 2)

Accreditation by ICDL

Recognition by Ministry of Hotels & Tourism