Future Opportunities

After finishing the school programme and graduating from E4Y the graduates have different opportunities:

  • CVT apprenticeship
  • attending higher educational institutions outside of the CVT
  • Employment as an apprentice in a company
  • further education and work in the textile industry
  • independent production and sale of handicrafts
Even though I enjoyed going to school I had to stop after fifth grade. My parents could not afford the tuition fee anymore. Suddenly I now have the chance to continue my education in the E4Y. I am over the moon….​Ye Lin Htun (13), pupil E4Y
During my travel in Myanmar I visited the E4Y-programme. School can be so much fun. The E4Y-programme makes the eyes of children in Myanmar shine, just like I wish to see it in our children’s eyes. A great project.​Marco Rima, actor
My way

Ruedi Schmid and his wife Angelika shot a film in Yangon. The film (12 minutes) shows impressively the effort a Burmese girl puts into going to school and what academic education means to her as well as for the life of her family.