Young Entrepreneurs for Myanmar (YE4M) is a business management training course for aspiring and existing young entrepreneurs offered by the Center for Vocational Training (CVT).

Program Overview

1. Main course provides business fundamentals on topics such as:

  • Entrepreneurship & Creativity
  • Business Plan Format Guidelines
  • Strategic Management
  • Human Resources Management for Small Business
  • Operational Management
  • Sales Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Management for Small Business
  • Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility & Green Entrepreneurs
  • Business Plan Presentation

2. Practical exercises allow students to move theory into practice and write a full-fledged business plan. The students’ learning experience is enhanced by guest lectures of Myanmar business people and locally relevant case studies that will enable participants to understand entrepreneurship through experiences.

Term of application: Applicants may fill in the application form and answer the essay questions. The ones with scholarship additionally have to submit two recommendation letters. All the applicants may be subject to an in-person inter-view which will be conducted by a selection panel of CVT – Myanmar or Project Team. Based on their application, recommendation letters and interview results, candidates will be chosen to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs program.


8 Weeks / 72 Hours

Entry requirements:

  • Young people who intend to start their own business
  • Young entrepreneurs who are planning to grow business and want to improve their business management skills
  • Women’s participation will be strongly encouraged
  • Priority will be given to applicants under 35 years
Applicants must submit the filled in application form to